Difference: FIUUniversitySocietyNotes (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-11-18 - bc001

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OSA Website: http://osa.org/

AVS Website: http://avs.org/


May be you will interested in: http://www2.fiu.edu/~honorsc/points.htm


Useful Links Thank you RamonaValenzuelaPerez


If you need to set a group meeting date and time send out a doodle survey (it's free) so everyone can vote on the date and time (instead of you emailing everyone to ask for their schedules). http://doodle.com/main.html

Want to set up your own TWiki page? It's free to register for an account. You can post documents for your collaborators or even your resume/ CV. http://phy.fiu.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/

FIU Career Services has workshops and information sessions concerning resume writing, interviewing skills, and salary negotiations. https://fiu-csm.symplicity.com/calendar/index.php/pid880369?ss=ical_agenda&_ksl=1&s=

Schedule in-person or online tutoring sessions with graduate consultants to improve and make progress on your thesis/ dissertation at the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing http://writingcenter.fiu.edu/about-us/services-for-graduate-students/


If you need to set a group meeting date and time send out a doodle survey (it's free) so everyone can vote on the date and time (instead of you emailing everyone to ask for their schedules). http://doodle.com/main.html

Want to set up your own TWiki page? It's free to register for an account. You can post documents for your collaborators or even your resume/ CV. http://phy.fiu.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/

FIU Career Services has workshops and information sessions concerning resume writing, interviewing skills, and salary negotiations. https://fiu-csm.symplicity.com/calendar/index.php/pid880369?ss=ical_agenda&_ksl=1&s=

Schedule in-person or online tutoring sessions with graduate consultants to improve and make progress on your thesis/ dissertation at the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing http://writingcenter.fiu.edu/about-us/services-for-graduate-students/

Revision 12012-11-17 - bc001

Line: 1 to 1

OSA Website: http://osa.org/

AVS Website: http://avs.org/

Useful Links Thank you RamonaValenzuelaPerez

If you need to set a group meeting date and time send out a doodle survey (it's free) so everyone can vote on the date and time (instead of you emailing everyone to ask for their schedules). http://doodle.com/main.html

Want to set up your own TWiki page? It's free to register for an account. You can post documents for your collaborators or even your resume/ CV. http://phy.fiu.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/

FIU Career Services has workshops and information sessions concerning resume writing, interviewing skills, and salary negotiations. https://fiu-csm.symplicity.com/calendar/index.php/pid880369?ss=ical_agenda&_ksl=1&s=

Schedule in-person or online tutoring sessions with graduate consultants to improve and make progress on your thesis/ dissertation at the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing http://writingcenter.fiu.edu/about-us/services-for-graduate-students/


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