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Revision 442015-05-11 - lc_2eramona

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.RamonaValenzuelaPerez"
-- RamonaValenzuelaPerez - 2014-06-21
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Current Project

Our instrument, or diagnostic, will allow us to study fusion plasma instabilities. Our research will contribute to worldwide efforts in better understanding plasmas to control instabilities which can deteriorate fusion plasma performance. Plasma performance is a concern because stable plasmas are necessary to create commercially viable fusion energy.

Though we design, develop, and bench test our instrument at FIU, we have collected our data offsite at a research facility in England (the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak). We are currently analyzing data collected with our instrument to determine the time dependent charged fusion product profile. We are specifically observing products from nuclear fusion reactions between hydrogen isotopes, or deuterium-deuterium reactions. In general, we want to know when and where charged particles from these reactions, such as protons and tritons, are created inside of the plasma so that we can study how the plasma is affected by instabilities.

An adapted instrument with 2 more channels, a total of 6 channels, will be designed with the goal of studying charged fusion products from NSTX-U plasmas.
* Please visit our TWiki page for the Proton Detector installed in Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak new_twiki_image_scaled.png
* Please visit our TWiki page for the next phase Proton Detector which will be designed with the goal of installation in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade

Future Project


Previous and Ongoing Project

An adapted instrument with 2 more channels, a total of 6 channels, will be designed with the goal of studying charged fusion products from NSTX-U plasmas.
Our instrument, or diagnostic, will allow us to study fusion plasma instabilities. Our research will contribute to worldwide efforts in better understanding plasmas to control instabilities which can deteriorate fusion plasma performance. Plasma performance is a concern because stable plasmas are necessary to create commercially viable fusion energy.
* Please visit our TWiki page for the next phase Proton Detector which will be designed with the goal of installation in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade
Though we design, develop, and bench test our instrument at FIU, we have collected our data offsite at a research facility in England (the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak). We are currently analyzing data collected with our instrument to determine the time dependent charged fusion product profile. We are specifically observing products from nuclear fusion reactions between hydrogen isotopes, or deuterium-deuterium reactions. In general, we want to know when and where charged particles from these reactions, such as protons and tritons, are created inside of the plasma so that we can study how the plasma is affected by instabilities.

* Please visit our TWiki page for the Proton Detector installed in Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak new_twiki_image_scaled.png


FIU Group Members

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