RamonaValenzuelaPerez - 2012-11-05
American Vacuum Society (AVS) FIU Student Branch
AVS Student Chapters are tailored to provide university students like you an excellent opportunity for career and professional development. They foster an exchange of ideas through discussion and study in a range of science and technology topics related to AVS. Membership in an AVS Student Chapter will give you an extra edge in the job market with the knowledge, experience, and networking you need to begin your career successfully (excerpt from Student Chapter Manual).
Useful Information:
Establishing and Maintaining an Active Chapter:
- Recruit at least eight AVS student members. Have students who are not AVS student members fill out an AVS student application. All chapter members must be AVS members.
- Seek the support of an academic member who is member of AVS and is willing to be an adviser for the student chapter. The academic adviser’s term is for two years.
- Hold an organizational meeting and elect officers. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.
- Submit the following application information to the AVS National Office for consideration:
- A letter of intent, describing the purpose of the chapter Student chapter application form (Appendix B)
- Student chapter petition form (Appendix C)
- A copy of the proposed chapter by-laws
- A roster of members (must have at least eight)
- A list of designated officers with all contact information
- Name and contact information of the academic adviser/s
An active student chapter must meet the following four criteria:
- Has an academic adviser who holds a current membership in AVS
- Has chapter officers elected annually
- Submits on time the chapter’s membership roster and annual report to the AVS National Office.
- Has a minimum of eight student members in the chapter as of the annual report or has submitted acknowledgment that the chapter is otherwise active