Difference: ThreeNucleonSystems (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22013-04-30 - boeglinw

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META TOPICPARENT name="WernerBoeglin"

Proposal to Study the 3H(e,ep)nn and the 3He(e,e'p)np Reaction

FSI effects as a function of E_miss

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 The fitted functions are used to correct the PWIA cross sections calculated for a much finer binning to estimate the integrated

3He and 3H cross sections. The results of these integrations are shown next:


Ratio 3He(e,e'p) cross section to 3H(e,e'p) cross section:


Ratio 3He(e,e'p) cross section to 3H(e,e'p) cross section

  • 3He_3H_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf: ratio 3He/3H for theta_nq = 30 degrees, PWIA calculation (dashed lines indicate smaller integration region +/- 20 MeV around SRC peak)
  • 3He_3H_D_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf: ratio 3He/D and 3H/D for for theta_nq = 30 degrees, PWIA calculation, (dashed lines indicate smaller integration region +/- 20 MeV around SRC peak
  • 3He_3H_ratio_FSI_30.pdf: ratio 3He/3H for theta_nq = 30 degrees, FSI calculation
  • 3He_3H_D_ratio_FSI_30.pdf: ratio 3He/D and 3H/D for for theta_nq = 30 degrees, FSI calculation, (dashed lines indicate smaller integration region +/- 20 MeV around SRC peak
  • 3He_3H_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf: comparison PWIA /FSI in 3He/3H cross section ratio (red: FSI, blue PWIA)
  • 3He_3H_D_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf: comparison PWIA /FSI in 3He/3H cross section ratio (solid: FSI, dahsed PWIA, blue 3He, green 3H)
  • pwia_ratio_ang_dist_40_annot.pdf: angular distribution of FSI/PWIA for Em = 40 MeV, showing the strong angular dependence. Shaded region shows the region sampled by this experimen

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="Ratio 3He over 3H with FSI" date="1367008835" name="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" size="27703" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He" date="1367010270" name="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" path="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" size="33715" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He" date="1367010311" name="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" path="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" size="33824" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="pwia_ratio_ang_dist_40_annot.pdf" attr="" comment="angular distribution of FSI at 40 MeV" date="1367291070" name="pwia_ratio_ang_dist_40_annot.pdf" path="pwia_ratio_ang_dist_40_annot.pdf" size="34213" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291104" name="3He_3H_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" size="21817" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_D_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291217" name="3He_3H_D_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_D_ratio_FSI_30.pdf" size="21756" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291237" name="3He_3H_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" size="21836" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_D_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291254" name="3He_3H_D_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_D_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf" size="21774" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291570" name="3He_3H_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" size="21845" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_D_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367291588" name="3He_3H_D_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_D_FSI_PWIA_30.pdf" size="22018" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="empm_acceptance.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1367292406" name="empm_acceptance.pdf" path="empm_acceptance.pdf" size="150277" user="boeglinw" version="1"

Revision 12013-04-26 - boeglinw

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="WernerBoeglin"

Proposal to Study the 3H(e,ep)nn and the 3He(e,e'p)np Reaction

FSI effects as a function of E_miss

Below are the fitted curved of FSI effects as a function of Em. The fits are 3rd order polynomials.

The fitted functions are used to correct the PWIA cross sections calculated for a much finer binning to estimate the integrated

3He and 3H cross sections. The results of these integrations are shown next:

Ratio 3He(e,e'p) cross section to 3H(e,e'p) cross section:


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="Ratio 3He over 3H with FSI" date="1367008835" name="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" path="3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf" size="27703" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He" date="1367010270" name="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" path="3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" size="33715" user="boeglinw" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" attr="h" comment="FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He" date="1367010311" name="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" path="3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf" size="33824" user="boeglinw" version="1"
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