AcademicLearning topic: | |
CAS_phy_ba_alc.xls ALC for BA |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_phy_bs_alc.xls ALC for BS degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_phy_ba_alc_Apr18_2011.xls ALC for BA updated April 2011 |
2011-04-18, |
CAS_phy_bs_alc_Apr18_2011.xls ALC for BS updated April 2011 |
2011-04-18, |
CasAssessment topic: | |
embedded_questions_2054_2049_spring_2011.docx Information about the embedded questions for the Spring 2011 assessment of PHY2054 and PHY2049 |
2011-02-16, |
embedded_questions_2053_2048_fall_2011.docx Information about the embedded questions for the Fall 2011 assessment of PHY2053 and PHY2048 |
2011-11-01, |
embedded_questions_2053_2048.docx Embedded Questions 2053/2048 |
2014-11-12, |
embedded_questions_2054_2049.docx Embedded Questions 2054/2049 |
2014-11-12, |
2014-12-02, | |
CoreCurriculum topic: | |
A_S_Core_Natural_Sciences_Physical_Sciences_PHY2048_Spring_09.doc Assessment for PHY2048 |
2011-02-11, |
A_S_Core_Natural_Sciences_Physical_Sciences_PHY2049_Fall_08-2.docx Assessment for PHY2049 |
2011-02-11, |
A_S_Core_Natural_Sciences_Physical_Sciences_AST2003_Spring2010.docx Assessment for AST2003 |
2011-02-11, |
A_S_Core_Natural_Sciences_Physical_Sciences_AST2004_Fall_08-2.doc Assessment for AST2004 |
2011-02-11, |
CORE_PHY2054_SP12.doc Core assessment Spring 2011 for PHY2054 |
2011-04-06, |
CORE_PHY2049_SP12.doc Core assessment Spring 2011 for PHY2049 |
2011-04-06, |
CosmicRayLab topic: | |
slac-tn-95-001.pdf SLAC Cosmic Ray Telescope paper |
2013-10-31, |
CurriculumMaps topic: | |
Physics_BA_curriculum_map_9-12-07.xlsx Curriculum Map for the BA program |
2011-02-11, |
Physics_BS_curriculum_map_09-12-07.xlsx Curriculum Map for the BS program |
2011-02-11, |
DesignReview topic: | |
Design_Review_Apr_2011.pdf Introduction to design review |
2011-04-05, |
Chits_PDR_Fusion_Source_Profile.pdf Chits from PDR |
2011-04-05, |
Machine_Drawings_Apr_2011.pdf Machine Drawings |
2011-04-05, |
Design_Details_Apr_2011_1.pdf Details for Diagnostic Design |
2011-04-06, |
Machine_Drawings_Apr_29_2011.pdf Updated Machine Drawings |
2011-04-29, |
2013-12-12, | |
2013-12-12, | |
Exec_meeting_2 topic: | |
2013-01-03, | |
Exec_meeting_4 topic: | |
mockinterview_outline_notes.pdf practice_interview_notes |
2013-03-07, |
Gen_meeting_2 topic: | |
2013-01-15, | |
GeneralRubrics topic: | |
CAS_Grad_Rubrics.11.10.08.doc Graduate student Rubrics |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_UG_Rubric_0910.doc Undergraduate Rubrics |
2011-02-11, |
AST_rubrics.pdf Astronomy rubrics for core assessment |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_UG_Rubric_Spring_2011.doc Rubrics, updarted April 2011 |
2011-04-06, |
JoergReinhold topic: | |
2018-09-18, | |
2018-09-18, | |
MillikanLab topic: | |
Millikan-Oil-Drop-Manual-AP-8210A.pdf AP-8210A Instruction manual |
2013-09-03, |
Millikan-Oil-Drop-Manual-AP-8210A-corrected.pdf AP-8210A Instruction manual |
2016-02-20, |
MyPersonalPicture topic: | |
Suman_Photo.jpg My personal picture |
2013-03-06, |
MyPicture topic: | |
Suman_Photo.jpg My personal picture |
2013-03-06, |
Monolayer.jpg Fabrication of two layers of polystyrene spheres |
2013-03-06, |
Monolayer_Bilayer.jpg High density growth of vertically aligned Carbon Nanotubes |
2013-03-06, |
2013-03-06, | |
2013-03-06, | |
2013-03-06, | |
2013-08-15, | |
NMagneticResonanceLab topic: | |
Pulsed_NMR.pdf Pulsed NMR document for PS1A experiment |
2012-11-20, |
PS2_Conceptual_Introduction_to_the_Experiment.pdf Nice summary of the physics and measurement of T1 and T2 with the PS2-A |
2014-01-16, |
PS2_Aliasing_on_the_Digital_Oscilloscope_Rev_2.0.pdf A note on scope usage that may be a worthwhile read |
2014-01-16, |
PS2_Manual_1.41.pdf Revised Teachspin PS2-A manual |
2014-01-16, |
PHY4821L topic: | |
PhysRevLett.107.251801.pdf Recent PRL paper on the faster than light neutrino results |
2012-01-09, |
PhysRevD.83.112004.pdf A recent PRD paper from the CMS collaboration on Upsilon production at the LHC. This is a longer paper that includes lots of figures |
2012-01-09, | Lab paper write template in latex |
2014-01-14, | Lab paper template/guidelines for word |
2014-01-14, |
HiggsDiscoverPaper-xarch-1207.7235v2.pdf The Higgs Discrovery paper from the CMS collaboration released in 2012 |
2015-08-24, |
1.4765331-Quantum_step.pdf Millikan's Original Paper from 1913 |
2018-01-08, |
aip_style_4thed.pdf Einstein's 1905 paper on Special Relativity |
2019-02-19, |
PhysRev.2.109-MillikanOilDrop.pdf A zip file of my Overleaf latex template |
2020-04-27, |
2021-05-27, | |
2022-01-26, | |
PreliminaryDesignreview topic: | |
Design_Review_Feb_2011.pdf Overview and Motivation |
2011-02-15, |
PDR_02_15_2011.pdf Design Presentation: Ramona Perez |
2011-02-15, |
Machine_Drawings_02_15_11.pdf Machine Drawings |
2011-02-15, |
2013-12-12, | |
ProgramOutcome topic: | |
CAS_PHY_PO_BA_2009-2010.docx Program Outcome for the BA degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_PO_BS_2009-10.docx Program Outcome for the BS degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_PO_MS_2009-10.docx Program Outcome for the MS degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_PO_PhD_2009-10.docx Program Outcome for the PhD degree |
2011-02-11, |
Publications topic: | |
Electron_field_emission_properties_of_vertically_aligned_carbon_nanotube_point_emitters.pdf Carbon nanotubes synthesized on stainless steel |
2012-11-07, |
2012-11-07, | |
2012-11-07, | |
2012-11-07, | |
2012-11-07, | |
2013-04-24, | |
QuantizedConductance topic: | |
2018-01-08, | |
2018-01-08, | |
2018-01-08, | |
2019-01-28, | |
Research topic: | |
Published.pdf sfasdfc |
2012-11-07, |
RfunctionsInRoot topic: | |
2013-04-30, | |
Sandbox topic: | |
RevSciInstrum_81_10D301.pdf files for DAQ |
2012-11-16, |
2012-12-13, | |
2012-12-13, | |
2013-02-11, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-02-20, | |
2013-03-06, | |
2013-04-09, | |
2013-04-18, | |
2013-04-18, | |
2013-04-18, | |
2013-04-18, | |
2013-04-18, | |
2013-05-05, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2013-07-02, | |
2014-09-04, | |
StudentLerning topic: | |
CAS_PHY_BA_SLO_17May2010.docx Student Learning Outcome for the BA degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_BS_SLO_17May2010.docx Student Learning Outcome for the BS degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_MS_SLO_17May2010.docx Student Learning Outcome for the MS degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_PhD_SLO_17May2010.docx Student Learning Outcome for the Ph.D. degree |
2011-02-11, |
CAS_PHY_BA_SLO_18Apr2011.docx Student Learning Outcome for BA updated April 2011 |
2011-05-04, |
CAS_PHY_BS_SLO_18Apr2011.docx Student learning Outcome for the BS degree updated April 2011 |
2011-05-04, |
TWikiGuest topic: | |
2012-04-03, | |
ThreeNucleonSystems topic: | |
3He_3H_FSI_ratio_30.pdf Ratio 3He over 3H with FSI |
2013-04-26, |
3He_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He |
2013-04-26, |
3H_FSI_PWIA_ratio_30.pdf FSI effects as a function of Em for 3He |
2013-04-26, |
pwia_ratio_ang_dist_40_annot.pdf angular distribution of FSI at 40 MeV |
2013-04-29, |
3He_3H_ratio_FSI_30.pdf 3He to 3H ratio for theta_r = 30 deg. with FSI and PWIA |
2013-04-29, |
3He_3H_D_ratio_FSI_30.pdf Sketch of n and p momentum distributions |
2013-04-29, |
3He_3H_ratio_PWIA_30.pdf Sketch of n and p momentum distributions (Proposal Fig. 1) |
2013-04-29, |
2013-04-29, | |
2013-04-29, | |
2013-06-13, | |
2013-04-29, | |
2013-05-01, | |
2013-05-01, | |
2013-06-13, | |
2013-06-13, | |
UccAssessmentplan topic: | |
UCC_Assessment_Schedule_2011-2014.xlsx UCC Assessment Plan 2011-2014 |
2011-02-11, |
UserProfileHeader topic: | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-06, | |
Workshop_1 topic: | |
2012-12-17, |